Welcome, thanks for dropping in. I’m Christopher Corfman, recorder player. Seattle’s my home.
This website’s main objective is to invite other musicians to participate in Musical Projects geared toward performance, so we can enjoy and grow together in some serious music making. It’s also a means to share bits of knowledge having to do with recorders and music.
Go to the About Page to read about my musical experience and teachers, and the recorders I like to play. The Links Page lists important local and selected websites for those interested in recorder playing and music. And of course you can send me email from the Contact Page.
Presently recruiting recorder players and other musicians to perform professionally around the Seattle and Salish Sea area. Contact.
I highly recommend this open mic for recorder players and recorder ensembles. I'm looking into others as well and might be posting them here soon.
Go to Three Rings™ Music to find music I’ve edited and published especially for recorder that fits in a three ring binder.